
Can i travel from holyhead by bus and boat to ireland without a passport?

by  |  earlier

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i want to go to ireland by bus and boat but i havent got a passport and want to go and see my family a.s.a.p




  1. of course you need passport, immigration between Dublin and Holyhead are now e-boarding and they is Immigration officers now in both side....

    don't try anything funny they will catch you.
    if you have no passport than get one or national ID card in you are from EU...

    if you require Visa to any of UK-Ireland than you better apply at embassy near you.... entering the country without permission if you need one, can lead you to 18 month in jail and fine £750 and after your jail time you will be deported in your own cost

    if you break the LAW there is no IF THERE IS NO BUT.....and be sure they watch you now...

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