
Can i travel with my hamster in a car? it takes 12 hours to get there. and we stay there for nearly 2 months.?

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(not trying to be rude, but please please please try to be help full, not saying nonsense only for two points!)

so, I'm going on a vacation to my grandma's House and it takes us 12 hours to get there. ( we are traveling with car and we are staying there for about 2 months!) the good thing is that when we're in the way, he is sleeping and when we get there its the time that he wakes up! ( 7:00 pm) i can put him on the ground, under my legs. i can also put a blanket on the cage so he can have some privacy! and i will of course

make a way for him to breathe.

i have all he needs: food, water, treat and...

so are there still any problems? if there is, how can i solve them?!!!

and if there is anymore information i need to know, please tell me!

thank you so much!




  1. I also don't know any thing about hamsters but if your gonna take him on a 12 hour ride then i think the best thing is to take him in his regular cage and keep every thing in there just don't take him out of his normal cage because he might get really board.

  2. that is all the things you probably need to take your hamster over with and having your hamster moved might take the hamster a little while to get use to new noises around and new enviroment outside the cage

  3. Hamster Xpert's tips are excellent, but I'd like to add one thing: I'd recommend putting the cage inside a shallow cardboard box, maybe lined with towels for stability and warmth.  If he's anything like my mice, he'll be running around and kicking litter all over the place, which isn't so fun to clean out of the car.  Good luck with your trip!

  4. yes  

  5. i have taken my hamster to ky and it was a 8 hour drive, they were a little freaked but i don't think it would harm. take them with you!

  6. It is not advisable to take hamster on a 12 hour drive since hamsters are known to get stressed out during long drives.

    However if you cannot leave your hamster with anybody and there is no choice but to take him along, then make sure you keep him as comfortable as possible when travelling.

    Some tips -

    1. Take him in his usual normal cage, if you can accomodate that in the car. The travel cages available for hammies are too small and prevents free movement especially on a 12 hour long trip.

    2. Disconnect the hamster water bottle from the cage since hamsters are known for getting hurt trying to drink water when the car is negotiating tough roads and the consequent jerking. Instead, keep a full water bottle with you and offer it to him every 30 minutes for a sip provided the car is moving smoothly or is stopped temporarily.

    3. Put lots of bedding in the cage so that the hamster can burrow and bury himself in the bedding. This would make him feel more relaxed when travelling. Keep his food dish topped at all times.

    4. If you cage is multitiered, remove the tiers so that the hamster does not climb and fall when travelling in the car. If you cannot do so, best is to buy a simple wire cage with no tiers for around 20 dollars (available at all pet shops) which you can use even for your future travels with the hamster. Wire cages are ideal when travelling so that there is enough ventilation.

    5. Do not place the cage near the open car window as continuous drafts can stress the hamster. Put the cage on the car floor between your legs as you have already mentioned.

    6. Remove all houses, toys and other contents of the cage leaving only a bare cage with bedding so that the hamster does not bump himself too much when travelling.Even food dish can be removed and food spread on the bedding to keep him occupied.

    7. Give him slices of cucumber to keep him hydrated since most hamsters refuse to drink water when travelling.

    8. Never leave your hamster in a locked car as temperature extremes can harm the small rodent.

    9. Don't handle him too much while travelling. It can stress him out. Also when you reach your destination, leave him undisturbed in his cage for a day so that he can relax and settle down before you start handling him.

    Hope these tips help!. Enjoy the drive with your little hamster!

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