
Can i try my mom's brand new contacts for like 1 minute?

by  |  earlier

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Ok heres the thing, i know i've asked this before. But whatever. I want to know if I could try on my mom's brand new contacts that she never wore, and she wouldnt put them back on afterwards. I only want to practice using contacts before i schedule an appointment to try them AGAIN. ya i got the exam and i tryed using them AND I FAILED. So ya i want some practice before i go back in. Ik that if she uses them after i put them in my eyes, that she could get an infection, but she wont use them again. And dont give me c**p about how thats a waste of contacts. Because she's willing to spend that on me. I just want to know if the size will mess up my eyes. but i highly doubt. 10 points best answer! thanks!!!




  1. If you are so sure about this, then why ask us?

    I think it's OK, but you should tell her first, just so she doesn't get mad or something. I mean, it's for a good reason, right?

  2. If your mom is willing to let you try a pair I don't really see the harm in it - if you take them out as soon as you get them in.  Don't leave them in for any extended period of time.  And know that the curvature of your mom's eyes is likely different than yours so they may not be comfortable for you.  Don't let that discourage you.  When you get contacts they will be specifically to fit your eyes.

  3. I recommend you don't. If I were you I would ask the optometrist if you could have a sample pair to practice with. They are specifically designed for that sort of thing. If you do choose to try them on remember they will hurt badly, and your eyes will be watery so it would be hard to immediately take them out. Good Luck and hope I could help.

    Also, #1 is right about the chance they will scratch your eye. That is why they have sample ones. Also there is a low risk they will get stuck in your eye. Not trying to freak you out, just want you to be precautions

  4. Well, I'm not a pro, and I can't say 100% for sure... but it seems to me  that it wouldn't affect you anymore than trying on someone else's glasses. I would think that as long as you take them out fairly quickly and don't try to really focus on stuff it shouldn't really matter.

  5. no.

    my momma is an eye doctor and

    9 times out of ten....her contacts are not the right size and could scratch the sides of your eyes,

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