
Can i turn down a temp job and still get unemployment?

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I am currently on unemployment and went on an interview today, sounds like they will make an offer, but its only a temporary assignment. If I turn it down, can I still collect my open unemployment claim? I'm in MI, and I don't see how they (the state) could find out I turned it down. Any advice would be great!




  1. don't you have to write down the jobs you applied for each week as part of your unemployment responsibilities?  There are legitimate reasons to turn down a job, however, because it's temporary probably isn't one of them.  how about you just take the temp job and keep looking for a permanent job.  i'm sure you'll make more money on the temp job than on unemployment.  and you also won't be sponging off of society, and can start adding back to the tax base.

  2. Not sure how your state works, but in mine we need to report 3 job inquiries a week, we keep an on going list until they ask for it. So if I send 6 resumes out I only need to report 3 and they never know aboutu the other 3.  As long as you meet your requirements I don't see it as a big deal.  I am not sure how you prove you are actually looking if you don't need to report it.  I think all states handle this differently.

  3. You can be denied unemployment.  What if the state contacts the temp agency and they report that you turned down work.? You're screwed.

      It is to your advantage to work. You can earn up to a certain amount and not be penalized. Even if you earn more than what you can, it stretches out your unemployment.

    I don't know about MI, but in PA, when you sign up ( on line) for benefits, it asks " have you refused work."  and  answering that incorrectly, constitutes fraud and could subject you to denial of benefits and prosecution.


  4. Yes, you can turn down the job and continue collect unemployment, only if they did not report you.  Usually there are some paper for them to sign to proof you are looking for job and no position for you, so you can turn it in to continue draw the unemployment benefit.

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