
Can i ues Arcoxia for headache ??!?

by  |  earlier

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i went to the doctor today and he prescribed to me Arcoxia

the active ingredient is etoricoxib.

the leaflet says that it is uesd for gout and rheumatoid arthrities

but my doctor prescribed it

what shoul i do ??




  1. Arcoxia is a painkiller normally for joint or muscle pain. Am not too sure if it is normally used for headaches though.  Maybe you'd like to check with your doctor's nurse or something?

  2. that depends on what kind of headache you have...a migrane or from stress or as if your about to pass out meaning faint....but i rather take asprin

  3. Etoricoxib (brand name Arcoxia) is a fairly new COX-2 selective inhibitor commonly prescribed for chronic pain and acute pain. Please do not take this medication if You suffer from a heart condition. Always discuss the benefits and harms of a medicine with your doctor before taking it.

    For more information click the following link:

    Good Health !

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