
Can i use 2 routers/modems in the same house???

by  |  earlier

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My room is upstairs & my brothers downstairs he has the router/modem hooked up to his pc downstairs. But i got into a fight with him so i cant run a long ethernet cable from his router to my pc upstairs. Basically can i install a router & modem in my own room??? Will it work eventhough he has one in his room?

BTW both our pc's are not wireless & we dont have a telephone line in the house...




  1. Best solution - make peace with your brother!

  2. Just buy a wireless router with 4 ports and USB or PCI wirelesss card and connect the router to the modem and use as a wireless i n upstairs and wired in your brothers computer to the router.

    Good luck

  3. No. You would need to subscribe to a second service, and would even need a second phone line if it was dsl.

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