
Can i use a card as proof of purchase for returning something to pc world?

by  |  earlier

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Something i got from there broke and i have to bring it back, i dont have the recipt, but would the card i bought it with be alright as proof of purchase? or my abbey statement with "Purchase PC world on xx/01/2008"?. But the card it was bought with was replaced (visa electron) the numbers faded and that. But the card still has the same number, because abbey keep the same (16 digit) number on the card, unless its reported lost/stolen.

So will there be any problems?





  1. You don't need a receipt just proof of purchase. If it is PC World then the item is probably specially manufactured for them and possibly cannot be bought elsewhere. As you rightly say steer well clear of PC World/Dixons.

    Hard drives have a manufacturers guarantee of 3-5 years but usually this is invalidated if it is part of a machine. Then it is covered by the sellers guarantee (1 year) which in the case of PC World is next to useless.

  2. You should be OK with this unless the manager decides to be awkward. If the itemis faulty, as long as you can prove that it is still within guarantee then they must deal with your request for repair or replacement. If they choose to repair then they should offer you another to use as you will be deprived if the use of the original. Always best to stick out first for a refund. Then you can buy another and the guarantee year will restart from the day of purchase. If they replace then the guarantee runs from the original purchase date. Hope all this helps

  3. Yes, it's PC World

    I tried returning a computer once when it busted up, all they did was try to blame it on me, saying I virused it, (which is funny since I beta test the AV systems for Symantec and get the AV programs nearly 6 months ahead of shop release), and then started swearing at me, and making abusive statements about my blind Moher who was with me at the time from some shopping done that day.

    I had proof of purchase, service docket, teir precious exteneded cover, the receipt, a complete history log.

    When I asked for the manager, they then of course denied the statements they made, the manager took their side, and they told me in no less abusive way to "f-off" and that they'd list me as banned from the store for threatening a member of staff, (which I did not, nor isthere any evidence of such a fabricated tale).

    When I wrote to head office, they of course, took the side of the store, and denied that such an incident had happened, and that they had found a thorough internal investigation confirmed that.

    To be honest, at this point, I gav up, (no matter what people say, you don't win against masive companies like the Dixon'sGroup in a small claims court), so I tok the tower back to the store, called the manager out, and then sledgehammer'd it to bits right in front of his eyes and that of several customers, (during the time when they made remarks about my Mother, several customers left), after this, there were customers asking me why I smased it up, and I told them it was because everything PC World sells is junk, that their customer service is nn-existant and nepotistic, and they know nothing about computers, and I wouldn't hav smashed my computer up if I was lying.

    I then bought a Dell system, got some extra parts for it, then re-built the Dell system and upgraded it, I've had a few issues with Dell, and they've always been on my side, such as when the PSU started sparking, rather than just give me a new PSU, they built me a whole new system, delivered it, and even sent a technician round to swap the HDD's over, PC World once took 9 days to do a RAM upgrade on my old laptop for me.

    Granted, this may just be a personal vent at PC World, but if 1 customer can get so angry at such an injustice and blatant disregard of consumer rights, would you honestly want to chance the same happening to you, and I don't mind them insulting me, even though I'm disabled myself, but my Mother who can'teven see the face of the person calling her a sh**-breeding blind wh*re", amongst other things is just plain unacceptable from anyone or any company.

    My advice, if you do try to take it back, bring about 4 or 5 peope with you, and ask for consent to videotape the entire proceedings.

  4. Should be fine just take you statement with your name on it and they should refund. Just say you have had a new card since then. Which is a perfectly reasonable thing to happen.  I had a similar thing with argos and used a bank statement as proof :) got my refund no hassle.  I think i was ready to quote some rule or regulation but i cannot remember what is was off the top of my head.

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