
Can i use a nebulizer on my 1m baby. She cant breath very well?

by  |  earlier

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i took her to the dr. she is not sick only her nouse is dirty is i tried suck the buggers out, but is not enough.




  1. The nebulizer won't help the boogers in her nose.  

  2. Don't give her any medication without doctor's consent.

    There are ways to use nebulizers on infants... talk to your doctor.

  3. its not going to help her nose, and you would not know what dosage of medication to use and you could hurt her. Humidifier, saline nose drops and bulb syringe.

  4. I wouldn't without a drs ok. But if the dr says it is ok then there is no reason why not. BUT YOU HAVE TO HAVE A DR'S OK FIRST, A child that young can be overdosed way to easy on stuff like that, So PLAESE get the dr's ok first

  5. hi agian

    finding it extremely difficult to breatheth

    making a grunting noise with each breath,

    turning blue or pale around the fingernails, toes or lips,

    completely floppy, like a rag doll,

    good luck

  6. not unless a doctor prescribes it. If you use the wrong dosage you can really harm her.

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