
Can i use a old cruser frame to make a lowrider bike?

by  |  earlier

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does it need to be cut to shorten it? if i put the curved forks on it should it be low enough that i don't have to cut it? can anyone help me with ideas or give me a e-mail address with a guide to get this done, i know how to fab. and weld etc. just wanted to try this stuff out.




  1. It depends how low you want to go. An old cruiser is an excellent choice.  If you can fab and weld, look at a bike you'd like yours to sit like and go from there. Make a jig before you start to keep everything reasonably in line (you'll need to make some brute force adjustments (pushing, pulling) after welding to get is just right).

    The forks can lower you a bit, but check out the source link I have attached for more ideas and info.

  2. My good friend does this awsome thing were he flips the back

    I dont know how hes awsome.......lolz

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