
Can i use a password to start up internet explorer to prevent kids going on line whenever they want?

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Can i use a password to start up internet explorer to prevent kids going on line whenever they want?




  1. Block internet access right there at your router. Your router needs a password to be accessed and there is nothing they can do if the block is done in the router.

  2. Nowadays, kids are more and more clever. They would ask their friends for solutions like for example install another navigator instead of IE and use it. Why don't u simply use the connection password, if you deactivate internet auto connection at windows startup, your kids won't be able to use internet at all.

    Then if you enter the password an use internet, you will have disconnect so as to have to enter the password in the next connection attempt.

  3. yes you can password protect a computer.

  4. Short answer is No.

    However some tweaking can be done by changing file permissions to only allow administrators to run a specific program. This can be very involved and can mess up your windows install.

    Ultimately, if you have HighSpeed, your kids don't need Internet Explorer. If they are anything like my 7yo niece, they will find a way on (Firefox on USB key comes to mind). You will need to build trust with your children or completely prevent them from using the system or any other parenting method you wish to use to get this through.

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