
Can i use bio diesel the one you buy on certain fill stations on my 2006 dodge ram 3500 cummins engine 5.9?

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looks to me that the oil companies dont want you to look at this amasing fuel, i had a v w diesel an it ran just fine on waste veg oil after it warm up and switch from diesel, it is amasing how the state of texas ban the use of refine bio diesel for auto use




  1. You can use biodiesel in your 5.9.

    However, biodiesel generally contains more water than regular diesel. So simply drain your fuel water separator more often. I run a bit out of mine about once a week no matter what. My schedule is probably excessive for regular diesel but if you run a lot of biodiesel once a week is probably a good idea.

    If you don't know where the drain is, look at the base of the fuel filter canister for the little yellow handle. Flip the handle and watch the contents. If you have any water in there you'll see the water drain out and then the fluid will change to diesel. You usually don't have to drain very much at all if you watch the drain tube.

    While your at it come on over to and check out the forums. They're free and there are plenty of knowledgeable folks there who can help with just about any issue you may have.

  2. Any modern diesel engine can safely burn bio diesel.

  3. Yes you can.

    Start off using a percentage of biodiesel and slowly increase the percentage over the course of about 5-8 tanks.   Have a spare fuel filter on hand.  Biodiesel is a great solvent and will clean out your tank from all the diesel crud left over.  

    Biodiesel does have a higher cloud point, so in colder weather (below 50 degrees and depending on the source of the bio, i.e. soy, waste vegtable oil, etc) you may want to consider blending with diesel.

    Also, waste veggie oil and Biodiesel are not the same thing.

    Good sites to learn more are:  (forum section to ask questions)

  4. If the state of Texas has banned bio-diesel for auto use, then how is Willy Nelson selling bio-diesel in Texas genius?

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