
Can i use cedar shavings in my gecko's cage???

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Can i use cedar shavings in my gecko's cage???




  1. would depend how large the gecko and the shavings are.  If the shavings are like dust, I would suggest no b/c the gecko may inhale them, but if they are too large, they may poke your gecko.  Try to get the soft squishy kind.

  2. NOO

  3. No. Cedar shavings are sooooo last century! :P

    What do you think your insides would do if you kept a rag soaked in Pine-Sol wrapped around your face all the time? ALL THE TIME, when you eat, when you sleep, when you take a bath, when you go to school, when you work, when you watch TV, aaalllll the time, with no breaks. Just the thought makes you wanna puke doesn't it? Well, that is what you would be doing to your poor gecko PLUS the shavings would be eaten too. Don't even think about adding Pine-Sol to your food! You know what that would do to you!

    Reptiles in a cage usually don't get enough Calcium so I keep my Corn Snake on Calcium sand that is different colors. DON"T keep a reptile on ground walnut shells. I made that mistake with a Uromastyx that was eating it without me knowing it. Walnut shells are toxic and they aren't digestible by a gecko anyway so they will kill it.

  4. No. The aromatic oils that give cedar its pleasant smell (to humans) can irreversible damage a reptile's respiratory system.  You don't mention what kind of gecko, but you may want to search the web and see if sand, rock, papertoweling, or something else would make a better substrate.

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