
Can i use cigar ashes in my garen or on my plants??

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i want to put my cigar ashes in my garden but whats in the ash it is magnesium phrosphus nirtogen?????




  1. Yes you can, in Victorian times tobacco was used as an insecticide. It would be soaked in water with sulphur and sprayed on to plants or brushed on with paint brush. So i guess cigar ash may keep bugs off the plants.

  2. I don't know about cigar ashes, but you CAN use coffee grounds. They make the soil richer and more productive. I don't mean the kind you've just made a pot of coffee with--I get mine for free from Starbucks. They grind their coffee beans and put leftovers in bags that they give away.

  3. I heard that you could use ashes in gardens and that you can even use it as a deterrent to bugs because of course cigar and cigarettes butts contains nicotine which used to be used a a pesticide.  My professor in school told us you do not want to use it on plants that are kin to tobacco such as tomatoes since it can carry over viruses even after being burned or that he believed it might have some residual viruses that might carry over but otherwise it makes an excellent addition to compost and to counteract acidic soil.

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