
Can i use garlic as athletes' foot buster?

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Can i use garlic as athletes' foot buster?




  1. Garlic will have absolutely no effect on athlete's foot fungus. Whoever told you that is not your friend!  

    Go to the drugstore and get some of the antifungal cream that is designed for athlete's foot. It will work if you follow the directions. You must keep your feet very dry and change your socks a lot. The socks you have worn must be washed in very hot water with soap and bleach, if possible.

    Athlete's foot is really annoying, but if you don't take care of it, it can actually become a serious infection, so don't neglect it.

  2. Well, garlic is a natural antiseptic; however it will have zero effect on fungal infection.

    Every local pharmacy is offering plenty of choices for athletic foot. The most popular is Lotrimin I think. It comes in form of Spray and also available as cream. You can also buy this stuff on line:

  3. no it will turn out horrible...

  4. Yeah of course you can. The real question though is whether or not it'll work, i'd have to say no. Sorry. The only thing for it is to hack it off! GUTTED!!!

  5. Well, it is mildly antiseptic so it might have some effect...

    A drawback might be that the smell of garlic will appear on your breath..

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