
Can i use household silicone in my fish tank or do i use something else

by  |  earlier

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i have a fire bellied newt and a goldfish in the tank and i want to create a half land half water tank for the newt will the silicone harm them?




  1. Silicone is the least of your worries after the goldfish's ammonia poisons the newt or the newt tries to eat the goldfish or vice versa.  

  2. You need to get aquarium sealer and make sure you let it cure.  One goldfish requires a 20 gallon tank as well.


  3. No, it's fine, but make sure it's completely dry before re-introducing the fish to the tank...if not the vapor could cause harm, but it's pretty inert once it's fully dried (about 24-48 hrs)

  4. Nope...the silicone you use should be absolutely aquarium should be written on its pack...if its not written then its not safe..get only aquarium safe silicone..and let it dry for a good 5-6 days in the sun before introducing fish..or else it can kill them..

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