
Can i use my debit card to buy stuff online??

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i want to get some shoes and i don't have a credit card... only debit, can i type in the number and have it be used just like a credit card, only the money taken out of my checking????




  1. only if it has dual functionality debit and credit..i'm sure you'd know when you got the card if you had it. since you don't have a credit card, just go get a pre-paid credit card like vanilla mastercard and use that for your online payment....the money will come right off the card balance so you won't get a bill

  2. You probably can, as long as  (like the last person said) it has a credit option, if it does it will have a credit card logo on it (usually visa)  But i wouldn't recomend doing so, because debit cards do not have the same kind of fraud protection that credit cards do and if someone got a hold of your number (admittedly unlikely but still) then they could drain your checking account.  So yeah, I would go with a prepaid credit card, you can get one a most convenience places like CVS or Walgreens, or at your bank

  3. dont listen to that girl i have bought lots of stuff with my devit the answer to your question is yes

  4. YES, y folks gotta be difficult, long as u have a visa or mastercard logo. YES

  5. In most instances, yes

  6. as long as it's a Visa debit yes .. i do it all the time.

  7. Yes, just like everyone else has said: If it has a Mastercard or Visa logo on it, it can be done. :)

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