
Can i use my mom's credit card to buy some shirt online without her knowing?

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I want to buy a shirt online and it's about $16 can i order it without her knowing it?




  1. I wouldnt but youmight be able to but it is illegal so if you did you could get in big trouble

  2. no, its totally wrong and besides she will eventually find out. just ask her im sure she will buy it for u.. the worst she can say is no.

  3. dont.  

  4. it will show up on her bill, and if she's never ordered anything online it might look suspicious to the bank and they might call her...

  5. u should tell her because then u might get in trouble and that's not a good choice!!!! If u wanna sacrifice  then do it but if u don't want then don't do it and ask for permission!!! I know hot it feels that u want something and ur parent doesn't let u buy it or want it!!

    answer mine?;...

  6. No. She'll know. She may not know it was you, but then she'll think someone stole her card and she'll probably cancell it.Then you show up with this shirt from the same store at the same price and she can probably guess the rest.

    Just ask, or give her the 16$ cash and ask her to get it.

  7. ummm you probably could... i wouldnt though.

    i mean shipping will be like 4-5 more dollars. then tax about 3...

    youll need her credit card number

    just ask your mom if she can order it

  8. Noo.

    It will show up on the bill.

    Just ask her if you can buy it.

  9. No...

    A) that would be illegal. It is called credit card fraud

    B) She would find out when she got the would be listed. If you are lucky she will figure out it was you as soon as she gets the bill and ground your behind for a week.  If you are NOT lucky she will see her card was used without her consent, call the credit card company, and they will start an investigation...and then the credit card company will trace down how and when it was used and report back to her...and she will have to appologize to the company for making all the trouble...and talk the credit card company down from pressing charges for fraud...and then she will ground you for a month.  If you are VERY unlucky, and your Mom is in financial trouble, you might push her over the limit...they will approve the charge, but then charge her an over limit fee...generally about $75. IF she uses the card while it is over the limit every additional charge will also incurr an overlimit fee...if this happens you are totally toast.

  10. nope though it might only cost 16dollars .

    she will eventually know .

    and that money you have spent for the t-shirt could of been for something important .

    and lastly she will start wondering how did u get the t-shirt when she sees it .  

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