
Can i use my sony LCD TV i bought from Australia in the Philippines?

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i bought a sony bravia lcd tv here in australia, i wonder if i can use it in the Philippines. i know there is a difference in voltage and power supply. is there a way i can use the said sony LCD TV in the Philippines? thanks.




  1. no aus uses PAL wich means u cant but if u go to North America u can because they use NTSC, which is what you hav

    The digital tuner is DVB-T, but the Philippines hasn't settled on a standard, which means no one is broadcasting digitally.

    So you're probably in decent shape if you're using the TV as a monitor for your VCR or DVD player or MagicSing karaoke system or cable/satellite box. Over the air TV is another issue.

  2. You will need a voltage converter.... I don't know what their power supply is like in the phillipines, but I live in japan and my stuff is all plugged into japanese power supplies and they work and don't blow or anything. It's all american stuff.  

    but i wouldn't take the chance with the tv and definitely get a voltage converter when you get back to the phillipines

  3. you have to by a special plug that will allow you to plug it in over there its not that expencive.

  4. It's not just a power issue, it's a broadcast standards issue.

    The analog tuner is PAL, but the Philippines uses NTSC, just like in North America. So right there you've got an analog tuner problem.

    The digital tuner is DVB-T, but the Philippines hasn't settled on a standard, which means no one is broadcasting digitally.

    So you're probably in decent shape if you're using the TV as a monitor for your VCR or DVD player or MagicSing karaoke system or cable/satellite box. Over the air TV is another issue.

  5. I dont think it will work...Here is the site that told me why...the voltage, frequency, and socket type are all different...but they do have things you can by to plug in to the end of the plug of the tv that will work in the socket in the Philippines...scroll down to the first table and look at both countries voltage, frequency, and socket types.

  6. i think you will be able to as long as phillpenes has the same network as Australia does

    by the way please put me as best answer

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