
Can i use same prescription for my eyeglasses and contact lenses?

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Can i use same prescription for my eyeglasses and contact lenses?




  1. No. Both prescriptions are different and you will need to ask your optician to supply you with the details specifically for your contact lenses. An eyeglass prescription will include the Sph, Cyl and Axis for each eye but the contact lens prescription will have the name of the lenses, the base curve, diameter and strength for the lenses.

    An eyeglass prescription will normally look like this:

    Right: -3.00

    Left: -3.25/-2.50 x 5

    The contact lens prescription for the same person will look like this:

    Right: 8.6/13.8 -2.75 Cibavision Focus Dailies

    Left: 8.6/13.8 -3.00 Cibavision Focus Dailies

  2. There are almost always can't use the same prescription for both.

    The first responder has no clue what he is talking about.


    Nice example MJ...except that if those Rx's are for the same person...they won't see a thing with those contacts...the left eye especially..that is what it says at that site, but they are very wrong.

  3. yea you can it is no different

  4. No!!  They may be different.  Mine are different!  Go to your eye-doctor and ask!

  5. yes you can.....

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