
Can i use shredded paper as hamster bedding?

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i was emptying our paper shredder and had the bright idea that i could possibly use it for hamster bedding instead of buying it... will it hurt my hammy's?




  1. Paper has sharp edges and that might irritate your hamsters feet and they could hurt their eyes on it too.  You shouldn't use paper that has a lot of ink on it either because it's not healthy for them.  It was a good thought though!

  2. yea i think itll be good :)

    i used it for my rabbits allof the time!!!

    and i never heard it was bad for them

  3. hamsters are very delicate. i would not recommend it. it is okay for rabbits because they are bigger and don't think about eating it plus they don't spend as much time in the bedding so ni would say no.

  4. It might be better to use toilet paper. The edge of shredded paper might end up giving them cuts (you know you hate paper cuts!) I wouldn't use the shredded paper. It won't absorb everything as well, and might end up make your hammy's cage smell worse!

  5. yea becuse i do that for my rats and i have no problemz, and i have a rat that just had babies, i use it for them and there is no problem... just add some T.P. to make it a lil soft

  6. No, it is very easy for them to choke on or cause a fatal blockage. You would be better with regular pet store bedding (not wood chips)

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