
Can i use someone else's old modem?

by  |  earlier

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Someone I know has recently canceled their talk talk contract and subsequently i have been given there old modem, ( i say old its less than 6 months) could i use it on my existing talk talk account i already have a talk talk modem but that's upstairs i would like to use this downstairs, would need to put my settings into it? how would i do that?




  1. You can probably use the modem, but for technical reasons, not at the same time as your other modem. You could still keep it as a backup, though. Or you might be able to use it after unplugging your current modem.

    To make sure you really should talk to a company representative. They may keep track of the modems' MAC addresses and need to make some changes to their system. Also, if you need to reconfigure the modem, they will be able to guide you through it.

  2. Since you can only connect one modem to one connection at a time (either neither modem will work if you connect them both, or the new one won't, depending on how the system is set up), and since the provider will replace your modem if it fails, the extra one is only useful if you have some modem-sized space you need to fill.  If a table leg breaks maybe the modem will be the right size to prop it up.

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