
Can i use store brand contact solution with acuvue 2 advance lenses?

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My eye doctor said I can either use Opti-free express solution or this other kind (something about the chemical make up of the contact.. optifree express and the other kind are the only ones that are "approved" for that lens..) .. but both are really expensive and I am short on cash, but also short on solution. I have really bad vision and could NOT go without my contacts... would it be OK to use like a store brand contact solution and save a little bit of cash, just until I get my paycheck and can get the optifree?? I don't mean like totally switch over to the cheap kind, but just use the cheap kind until I can get some Opti-free express.

So could I use the cheaper store brand type just temporarily? I mean.. it won't like melt my contacts or hurt my eyes, will it?




  1. If you have the Advance version of the Acuvue, then your doctor is correct.  Not all solutions on the market are compatible with the silicon core.  In a pinch you can use a store brand, but for general use, it's best to use a compatible solution to avoid chemical reactions and possible injury to your eye.

  2. No you can use any kind that you would like to use.

    It shouldn't cause a problem but when I use anything but optifree it makes my contacts uncomfortable and they are dry more often with cheap brands

  3. I think it would be ok as a temporary solution, the only problem with the store generics is that the reason they are cheap is because the bigger brands sell to the smaller chains that are nearing their expiration date (really not a big deal IMO) BUT the real problem can arise with the fact that you never know exactly which brand you are getting, and that often will cause some noticed changes such as new irritation, and things like that. If you can afford the name brand later on, I would suggest sticking with that if you can, but if not it should not cause you any harm, and it would be a good solution to keep on hand as a back up as well! :)

  4. yes of course i always buy those types of brands and my eyes a perfectly fine

  5. Shd be ok. not a problem at all.

  6. Haha I use Acuvue 2 hydra whatever lenses, and I use CVS solution and it works perfectly fine...haha. So no worries, it should be all good.

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