
Can i use the yeast from sourdough to make wine?

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i was wondering if there was anyway of taking the wild yeast harvested in sourdough to make wine yeast?




  1. It is completely possible...but not recommended. Your wine will contain alcohol, but the flavors will be off. Though similar creatures the yeast used in making bread is different from that used in wine making...both are different from that used to make beer.

    Look at it kind of like this. You have recipe that asks for the juice of a fresh squeezed orange. You instead use a fresh squeezed grapefruit. Both are citrus fruits. Both are round. Both have specific flavor profiles. The dish you made with grapefruit instead of orange may be eatable...but will it taste as good as if you used the orange?

    Here is a link to a home brewing supply store I use regularly...

    You can get wine yeast from them...and books about wine wine making.

  2. NO!  Two completely different strains of yeast.  It will work, but will taste awful.  Do a search on wine making supplies, and you'll find several sources for wine yeast.

  3. yeah, the first posters are right, you CAN, but you won't like it. follow their advice if you want to make wine, or beer, or cider, or mead. Educate yourself, many people make their own drinks. I homebrew my own beer. It's doesn't have to be complicated, although you can get as involved as you want.

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