
Can i use this song for my performance?

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I have an upcoming competition and i am just in a low level-Gamma (ISI) or Delta...and do u guys think that the song Bond-Victory is ok for my level performance...u my level..there are only 3 things u need to show..3 turn and mohawk.and hockey stop.( my coach brought me 1-2 levels lower for my competition performance...i don't know why..i am supposed to be FS1)




  1. Sounds good. Go for something that you feel. Because if you dont feel it then you wont be able to feel the skating. If the song comes from your heart then your skating will to and that makes it more satisfying.

  2. Don't worry about being a lower level in the competition - it should be the last level you tested out of and passed, not whatever level your learning at the moment.  The coach has discretion in this matter (especially in ISI).  

    As far as music, it sounds fine as long as you can get it the right length - 60 seconds for Gamma or Delta if I'm remembering right.  Sounds great!

    You'll know if you're competing at Delta because you'll have to do those backwards edges, so it sounds like you're doing Gamma.  

    Good luck, practice and most importantly have fun!!

  3. ha i dont know the song but 1 song never to do i did for that level <i feel pretty>=[ aghhh it got soooo boring

  4. As long as the song doesn't have lyrics I think it would do well.

  5. There are several different competition categories, and a competition may have any combination of those categories. Also, skaters who are competing generally are separated by both ability level and age, and competition groups tend to be small - usually six or fewer skaters in a group.

    Pre/Alpha through Delta

           These programs are usually limited to one minute, and Alpha through Delta skaters can include any one of the elements from Freestyle 1 in their programs but remenber only one (1) element from FS1 can be used.

    What part of the ISI competition are you competing in Artistic, Freestyle, Spotlight, Interpretive? That info can help a ton to assist you further.  

    Sorry, there are more to it then 3 things. You need to know all the skills from Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta if you are competitor at Delta and if you are competing as a Gamma (which I doubt) All the above except Delta.

    The song  Bond - Victory is a fast song reminds me that it can be a Latin/ Arabic routine. I hope it isn't too fast for you or doesn't overpower your ability to skate to it. Can you do the elements from FS 1 consistently without too much coaching from your coach? If not, that may be the reason your coach put you in the lower level for competition.  He/She only has your best interest so you can have a positive experience at your competition. You still can add a element from FS 1 into your routine.

    It is a normal practice for coaches to have students compete at the level on what elements they are performing consistently. You may be right that you are a FS 1 BUT that may be the level you are CURRENTLY working on and all the elements aren't strong yet. I'm guessing you are competing as a Delta if you are working on FS 1. Competing at a level and learning the elements aren't the same thing. For instance my daughter is in USFSA, tested for Pre-preliminary FS but she doesn't have her AXEL consistently yet which is needed for Pre-preliminary competitive competitions which isn't on the FS test but she can do everything else all the way thru Pre juvenile FS except the Axel. She can only compete in Pre-Preliminary (no axel) categories in competitions that offer it wise she wont have a chance of placing against kids her level landing the Axel consistently.

    Here are the test requirements for ISI Beta thru Delta

    (2nd level) Beta level elements

    Backward stroking

    Backward crossover - right foot over left

    Backward crossover - left foot over right

    T-stop - right foot outside edge

    T-stop - left foot outside edge

    (3rd level)Gamma level elements

    RFO 3-turn (one-foot turn)

    LFO 3-turn

    RFI open mohawk combination sequence

    From right T-position do 3 strokes

    RFI open mohawk

    RBO glide

    stepforward to LFO

    LFI open mohawk combination sequence  

    (see above)

    Hockey stop

    (4th level)Delta level elements

    RFI 3-turn

    LFI 3-turn

    Forward edges (4 semicircles each) FO, FI

    Choice of one:

    Shoot the duck


    Bunny hop

    This is the requirements for ISI freestyle


    Forward Inside Pivot PivotTwo-Foot Spin Forward Spiral

    Backward Outside/Inside Edges Half Flip Waltz Jump


    Ballet Jump,  Half Toe Walley   (½ Toe-Loop),Half Lutz,  

    One-Foot Spin, Two Forward Spirals, Dance Step Sequence*  

    Hope this helps for you to understand. Here is a link for more info about figureskating and testing as well as competing

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