
Can i use us dollars to pay the canadian toll road?

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I am from buffalo to toronto.




  1. It all depends on what exactly you mean. Up here its a little different from the states. In the U.S. you have unmaned places where you just throw a quarter into a slot and the thing lets you through. Here, if you mean at the border crossing, its an actual person taking your money. In that case, yes, they do accept USD. I believe its about $2.75 to cross right now.

    As for the highways... if you're going to Toronto the only toll highway you may encounter is the 407 ETR. Which you don't deal with anyone at all. When you get on the highway a camera takes a picture of your licence plate and starts to clock how many km's you travel on the highway, then when you exit off it, another camera takes another picture and it calculates what you owe them (so much per km). Then in about a month you'll get a bill. Pretty neat except they have a few little fee's on the bill that they don't seem to mention on thr website. You can calculate your use of the ETR, I believe it is. But the actual bill will be a bit higher due to silly additional fees like camera fees, bla bla bla.

    Hope this helped! Have fun!

  2. If the toll booth is maned then you should be able to use US dollars but you will get boned on the exchange rate.  Use Canadian currency it is much more colourful and most likely any automated toll booth will take the $1.00 coin.  Besides you won't find many toll roads in Canada see the excerpt from wikipedia I did a search toll roads +canada

    Most tolled roadways in Canada are bridges to the United States, although a few domestic bridges in some provinces have tolls. Toll highways disappeared, for the most part, in the 1970s and 1980s. In the 1990s, political pressure dropped the new tolls on an upgraded section of the Trans-Canada Highway in New Brunswick. Highway 407 in the Greater Toronto Area is a modern toll route. Nova Scotia has a toll highway on the Trans Canada Highway between Debert and Oxford. Another toll highway in Canada is the Highway 5/Coquihalla Highway in British Columbia.

  3. depends on what side the border your on buddy

  4. There are no tolls in Canada (except that one highway in Toronto)

  5. Not sure about the money but probably not. I know the tolls in the States don't accept Canadian money so it probably is the same here.

    Mr. C is wrong - there are and I have driven on several toll roads. The autoroute from Montreal to the Laurentians is a toll, Coquihalla Highway (Highway 5) in B.C. is a toll and the Highway 407, a 108-km long stretch of toll road bypassing Toronto to avoid Highway 401 is a toll road. There are more I am sure.

  6. If the toll booths are automated and accept coins, I would assume that they are similar to vending machines and that they will reject any money that is NOT in the expected format.

    So a Canadian quarter would be accepted but the American quarter may be rejected unless they set up the toll machine to also accept American change.

    If it is a toll booth operated by a human being, they will likely accept your money (if allowed to by the government) but I doubt they will be giving you any exchange rate. It will be considered at par.

    The reason is that it takes too long to calculate what the costs will be in $US each day, and they cannot afford to have cars lining up behind you because you are waiting for the teller to figure out the exchange on $4.25 for that day and give you change for the $5 bill.

  7. I would imagine you could although the exchange rate will not be as good as exchanging your money in a bank before you come up.  If the toll is "automatic", that is, you insert cash in a slot, it may accept coins but will probably not accept paper money other than Canadian.

  8. there is only 1 toll road in toronto that is the 407 ETR. it automatically takes pictures of your licence plate and bills u for the tolls on the routs u travelled. i have just been to the US yesterday from Toronto. the tolls close to the US boarder will accept Canadian money if manned. but beyond the US boarder in Toronto there are no toll roads in Toronto acceptl the 407 ETR.  check out the 407 ETR website u can get a general idea of how much the tolls are. i suppose u will get billed accordingly or take it up with the Ministry of Transportation.

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