
Can i wear a non perscription contact and a perscription contact in one eye?

by  |  earlier

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i have a pair of demo contacts i received from my eye doctor to determine what color i want my contacts to be, i also have a pair of clear contacts that are my perscription and i can see perfectly in i placed the perscription contacts over the non perscription and i can see jus fine with a color contact affect, my question is what will this affect? i dont want any dumb responses i want peoples opions that have either experienced it or are doing it theirselves thank you responses are needed and yes they do stay in and it seems like it doesnt effect me at all




  1. ACKKK! No! Dang.. You can damage your eye that way. Just because it feels ok now doesn't mean it's ok. Contacts are made to be worn one at a time.

  2. That's a no no.

    Wearing one already puts something 'unnatural' on your eyes, reducing oxygen levels. Imagine putting another set over them... your eyes will be smothered.

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