
Can i wear board shorts for tennis? ?

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I'm gonna be practicing soon and I was wondering if it's okay to wear board shorts during practice. I'm a girl btw.. And if not, what should I wear?




  1. Erin is right, also choose something that is easy to run in.  

  2. it's cool, there have been girls at practices i've been to wear board shorts too, sometimes i even wear them. i just like how they look, depending on what it is lol, and it's still comfortable, so why not, right? :]

  3. It's ok, but i would probably go for something more traditional.

    Board shorts are fine aslong they're not an outrageous colour.

    Also depends on how posh the tennis club is:

    Posh = No board shorts unless subtle colour

    Average (not posh) = Board shorts are fine

    They are comfortable, and good for keeping balls in your pockets.

    Most ladies don't use pockets though!

    You could wear white shorts, or a skirt with cycling shorts underneath.

    As long as the tennis club isn't too fancy, and your board shorts aren't bright green or sumthing, they'll be fine!

    Board shorts are bound to make their way into tennis, becoz of blumming rafa nadal!

    I wish he'd wear proper shorts, especially at wimbledon - geez have a little respect for the class and tradition of tennis!

    Sorry about that rant

    As i say aslong as your club isn't fancy or strict, most board shorts will be fine!

  4. You can wear anything you are comfortable in. Something you can move freely with no restrictions, and something that can hols a ball. It also depends where you are playing. If you are playing at a club there might be a dress code.

  5. as long as you have somewhere to hold the tennis balls you shoud be fine.

    skirts, shorts, sweats anything with pockets or elastic waitsbands to hold the ball work

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