
Can i wear invisalign or do i need braces?

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I have an overjet or in other words my 2 front teeth stick out a little farther than they're supposed to.I have it b/c I used to suck my thumb after my permanent teeth came in.there's nothing else really wrong with my 2 front teeth stick out about 1/16 of an inch.there are very small gaps between my 2 front teeth and each tooth to the sides of my front teeth.

so the only teeth that would have to move are the 4 right in the front of my mouth & possibly some at the bottom.there are no gaps at the bottom they just aren't perfectly straight but its not that noticable at me it just looks normal..

so do you think invisalign would be an option at all or do i absolutely need braces? Do you think that if i got braces i would even have to keep them on for more than a year.i mean my teeth aren't horrible.there are just the small gaps causing the overjet.

im going to be a sophmore in high school so i don't really want to have a mouthful of metal till im a senior.




  1. i have braces and they can be painful! but i would consider invisalign because they dont cut the sides of your cheeks and are less painful .but the plus side to braces is that you can get them to match your outfits.if you get invisalign it would take longer. ive had my braces on for 2 years and im about to get them off. i think you should get braces but its your choice.

  2. I think you should use the regular braces because I think that invisalign is for teeth that fits into the molding of the clear brace product.

  3. No matter how many answer es you get -the only one who can make that final decision will be the orthodontist-Usually a year is about the time it takes-but that also depends on the case.

    No two people are exactly alike so neither are their teeth.

    dentistry has come a long way so I'm sure you will have great results-good Luck and stick with it.

  4. Only your ortho can answer your question....

    But even if invisalign is not suitable in your case, there are metal braces available now which would sort your problem out in 6 months..

  5. This sounds like a case for braces but only your orthodontist would really know. I thought I could get Invisalign but turns out not a lot of people can. So you'll have to ask.

  6. Please don't get invisaline! Because whenever you get them and they start to hurt [which means that your teeth are moving] you will take them out and they would be a waste of money! I know A LOT of people who spent money on invisaline and than just went to straight braces.

    I advise braces all the way I had them and they weren't that bad

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