
Can i win a game of risk with just having australia?

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Can i win a game of risk with just having australia?




  1. No. Your opponents will gain far more reinforcements than you. Any units that you kill they will regain plus many more. Also you are boxed in making it difficult for you to attack.

  2. Hard to say.

    If you are playing the complete world domination game, you cannot. You need to occupy every territory of the game to win.

    If you are playing mission cards, then it would be possible, especially if your mission was to eliminate all of one particular color.

    Just depends on how aggressive or reserved you are in your attacks. Losing your bonus armies instead of building up forces would be a wise strategy. Just try and conquer at least one country each turn so you can collect bonus cards.

    I suppose it would also depend on the skill of the other players also, as well as your luck with the dice.

  3. Austrail-asia, all the purples. Just get everyone on papa new Guina and build up and build up and build up....

  4. The only way for that to be possible, would be for you to sit there and build up while the other players spent their time destroying each other. Then you could sweep in and clean up the remnants. However, this stratagy relies on having alot of other players, at least 3, and on them fighting each other and ignoring you. Not likely. Good luck!

  5. No, you need to have all the areas to win :).  I know what you meant.  It would be one incredible feat to win with just Australia.  Your opponents would have to lose almost every single turn and that type of dice rolling seems impossible in real life.  The cards would also have to be the least valuable, but more than that the opponent(s) would have place their reinforcements poorly.  Again, though, it all boils down to dice rolling.  Is it logically possible?  Yes.  Is it practically possible?  Not really.


    Board Game Blog

  6. Yes I have seen it happen a few times but it will take luck. Here is the scenario, you just take Australia place your 5 guys each turn and watch the other players slaughter each other, losing over 10-15 guys each turn. Granted you will not place nearly as many but 5 guys who do not killed each turn beats 20 guys when 16 of them get killed. Once they weaken each other just attack. Again this is highly dependent on luck.

  7. NO, you need to send your troops and ships into enemy territory,then engage the enemy in battle,thereby winning more territory for yourself.You'd most likely win by not only having Australia,but North and South America-the whole of Europe and Africa,a good amount of Asia and some islands in the south pacific.Your enemy would be a fool to attack your forces,but then again your whole outcome of this game relies on theroll of the die(or dice)!!

  8. You mean just Australia and no other countries anywhere else in the world?  It can be done, but it's tricky.  You have to build up in Indonesia and hope the other players keep each other from getting any other continents while you sweep across Asia.

    If you have Australia and can hold onto one other country (particularly one in or next to South America), you have a much better chance.

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