
Can i win him back?????

by  |  earlier

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i've been with my bf for a year and 4 mons. a year ago i cheated on him but not s*x or anything just kissing with another guy(kissing is a big deal in our religion it's a bad thing)he was gonna dump me he got so hurt and started to cry when i told him the truth.and i told him that i'll never do it again that moment i realized that i loved i've been trying to make it up for him for an entire year and when i ask him about it he says that he forgot about it and he forgives me.but one time a couple of mons ago we had a fight and he went crazy and dumped me i asked him why and he said it's because i cheated on him.if it hurt him that much why didn't he dump in the same time instead of doing it a year later.that would have been easier don't u think?so we broke up a week later he called all happy and said he had something important to tell me he said that he beated up the guy i cheated on him with and said that he loves me and wants me back but i said no because i knew he won't forget about he went like no i want u and followed me every where i go begging me to take him back till i said yes.and now yesterday the same thing happened.we didn't break up but he was like if u don't treat me right i'll dump u and u don't respect me.i love him so much and i know he loves me too.but the question is can our relationship work?can he forgive me?should i dump him?what should i do?

please please no rude comments i feel bad already.i want serious answers.thank u.




  1. Firstly i agree, i think maybe he broke up with you because he wanted to do something else for awhile but then he realized he loved you and begged you to take him back, plus that week he probably had time to think things through but after a year of knowing what you did.. that's not a good enough of excuse just a easy way out that is how i see it.

    Secondly he's trying to make you feel guilty.. it seems like he may always use this when you both fight... bring up the past.

    I don't think you need to break up with him, but i think you need to let him know that if he brings up the past then you dont want to be with him because it is unfair and it wont help your relationship plus if you let him get away with it then he will use it against you for everything eventually, ask to whip the slate clean and you should try and look at it as a new start.

    He will forgive you in time but be patient but dont try to hard, don't do stuff just to make him happy... you need to be happy too.

    Good luck!

  2. Try talking to him and straightening him out>tell him You've changed and if he can't acknowledge that, u should dump him b4 he does another stupid thing.

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