
Can i work as a csi with tattoos on the back side of my wrist?

by  |  earlier

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Im in college and im on my way in getting my certificate as a crime scene investigator and i just got two tattoos a very small one in between my index finger n thumb and one on the backside of my wrist. what i want to know is will i have trouble working for that kind of position because of my tattoos?




  1. Get the job first, then get the tattoo.

  2. It should not be a problem. It will not affect your work and tatoos are so common these days that your boss might even have one. :-)

  3. May be hard to shake hands with the

    family of a dead person. Respect yourself and other in this line of work.

    Tats are cool. Think where they will

    be placed on your body.

  4. u know it just depends on where u get the position. i see cops and other other inforcement personelle with tattoos all the time, so i doubt it will impact you very much.

  5. There is always make up you can use, jewerly, or I am sure you will be wearing lots of gloves! I don't think it is going to be a big deal in your field of work esp. if it is tasteful  

  6. it might! but it'll depend on weather your workplace has a "no tattoo" or "no visible tattoo" polisee!

    you might also encounter a problem if your employer / person doing the interview doesn't agree with people having tattoos, they decide who gets the job, and if they don't like tattoos your chances drop dramatically. - it shouldn't happen but it does. :(

    anyway, i cant see a problem with the job you have in mind. - cross your fingers that everyone likes tattoos!   good luck! x

  7. of course you can, how does a tatto on you skin make any difference to how you work, i would allow it if you worked for me. by the way great job choice

  8. I dont think it would affect how you do your job as a CSI. Simply ask your college professer. Although a bosses personal prejudices may prevent a hiring.

    Shouldn't you have considered this before getting tattoos?

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