
Can i work as a pilot and do air traffic controll at the same time?

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Can i work as a pilot and do air traffic controll at the same time?




  1. Yes you can. I know a few people that fly regionally and are air traffic controllers. You get all the perks if you do both. All other pilots want to fly with you if you do both, if you fly into your base you will "always" get priority for landings and get the better runways. If I fly into the airport where my friends work I get the quick visual or the closer of the parallel runways.

    Go for it and enjoy it.

  2. It would be like being a cop and a criminal at the same time.

  3. Sure, I did it for years, but quit ATC when I started flying as a career

  4. ya dude you could do both, just not at the same time lol

  5. One of the air traffic controllers at the airport I fly out of does instructing at there as well... So theoretically yes you can work as a pilot and as an air traffic controller... but it wouldn't be very practical to be an airline pilot and an international airport controller... you'd probably die of a heart attack from the stress.

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