
Can i work as an aircraft engineer?

by  |  earlier

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Hi, i'm a french and currently am working in a swiss company as an ultrasound engineer. I work on railyways and tracks using ultrasound system to check defects in the track but currently am thinking of switching my job to work in an aircraft environment.

I've been working in this swiss company for 20 years and i do have an ultrasound cert. Can anyone tell me if its possible for me to switch to an aircraft environment with this cert?




  1. Maybe,but not as an would be an inspector of NDT( Non Destructive Testing)but you will need to know other ways to inspect aircraft and also you have to get your A&P certificate in the US,I do not know about Europe but assume the regulations are similiar.

  2. You can as long as the practical application applies to the Aerospace Industry, therefore get the Aircraft Systems engineering certificate and then you can essentially apply yourself to that market. Ultra sound is used quite often in structural components of aircraft, but you will need the degree to implement those practices..

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