
Can i work in germany if i have an australian electrical licence?

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Can i work in germany if i have an australian electrical licence?




  1. Some important things about working as an electrician in Germany would be:

    Speaking German (good to very good)

    Reading German (very good to fluent)

    Conversion of your Austrailian license to German

    Certification in German safety standards

    You may also have to go through some basic electrician training here as well since there are some unique (at least to me, I was raised in the U.S.) wiring methods over here.  Lots of houses were built shortly after the war so I would guess that quite a bit of the older houses are not "to standard".

  2. No,I think you have to change it !

  3. It's probably not that easy. I would say that you'll need to convert your license into something similar german... The Germans are pretty serious about electrical licenses and security and the bureaucracy is insane.

    Sorry, that I couldn't help more...

  4. You only can work in germany if you get a work permit.

    now the certificate you have might not work here but doppelcheck on that one

  5. I think that would depend of your nationality, so my advice would be to check with German embassy!

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