
Can i work in south africa embassy as a gradutaed from french litrature?

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i mean i can speak englisg and french at the same time ,are they necessary to work with them in an embassy ?




  1. Depends on which embassies in which countries. For example French and English will get you the British, Canadian, Australian, American embassy in France but unless you have the citizenship you may not be able to rise above a certain rank.

    Most likely you will need to:

    Speak the language of the country of the embassy (offical language and if you speak the dialects of regional areas that can be looked upon favourablly depends on the embassy),

    Speak the native language of the country you wish to be in.

    Possibly hold either citizenship of the native country or the country of the embassy.

  2. If u have the proper paper wk and is honest about everything.. My Dear

  3. ya they are very important and it may be the first think u must be good in it to have the jop

  4. hmmm are you planning to work in france? if so then yeah it will come in handy but if not then its not a necessity. think dutch and afrikaans (both languages spoken there).

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