
Can i wright a motor home off my income taxes if i use it for work ???

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Can i wright a motor home off my income taxes if i use it for work ???




  1. this falls under the same category as a normal vehicle. you claim what is called depreciation. for a company like padoodles (mobile dog grooming) if completely paid off, you went out and bought it for the sole purpose of this mobile business, you can claim the entire purchase as a business expense. depriciation allows you to claim a percentage of the value over a period of years. you should talk to a Tax Consultant for clearer answers as you can provide them with more inforamtion.

  2. The sort answer is yes you can.  However, there is probably more information needed to provide a better answer.

  3. There may be deductions allowed but I would need to know a lot more information.

    If this is your principal residence, then you can deduct the mortgage interest.  

    If you use part of this residence for business, the office in home rules would apply.

    If this is not your residence but you use it as a place of business, then operating expenses may be deductible but there are complicated restrictions depending on the relationship of the motorhome to your other property.

    As far as writing off the cost of the home, if it is residential you may depreciate the business part over 27.5 years.  If it is nonresidential you depreciate it over 39 years.  This is assuming it is anchored to the ground.  Shorter timeframes are possible if it is not anchored to the ground.

    So, there are too many variables to give a complete answer, but deductions are possible.

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