
Can i write the President everyday about something that should be done?

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I think LESS tax dollars should be used on useless stuff, like inmates having cable, and MORE tax dollars should go to things like animals NOT being put to sleep in animal shelters and getting spayed/neutered. Can i just write the Presdient everyday? Or how can i get their attention. Im sure there are THOUSAND of people out there who feel the same way. We all know that animal abuse, etc, putting them to sleep is wrong, but we MAKE EXCUSES for it. We say :"If we dont put them to sleep, they will overpopulate." Well, use some tax dollars to spay/neuter them. Also, if its okay to put animals to sleep so they dont overpopulate, is it okay to go to human orphangeas and put them to sleep? NO! So it shouldnt be okay with animals either. People need to quit making excuses as to why they THINK it is okay. Animals shouldnt get punished because of us.




  1. Write away, just be prepared to be ignored.

  2. it sounds like you should join an animal rights activist group.  You would be most empowered when working with other people who agree with you.  The president will talk to leaders of powerful activist groups, and so do lawmakers.   Find an animal rights group you can support (but remember that PETA puts animals to sleep)

  3. Yes you can write them everyday.  But we have a state in the US that allows euthanasia on people, Oregon (or at least they used to).

    As for your statement regarding animals, they aren't people and never will be seen as such.  Sorry, they just aren't.

    And they aren't being punished, punishing them would be to keep them locked up in a 2 x 3 cage all day or cutting off one of their testicles.  Thats punishment.  Humanely ending their suffering is hardly punishment.

  4. There is no prohibition to write the President everyday.  However, the problem will be the way the President will have to react to this situation since he had the discretion on what to do, whether to entertain the letters or not.  The President must have time to read the concerns of the people.

  5. Well, you could write the president, however you would get more help on these issues with your state and local government. Except for federal prisons, prisons are run by the states. Jails are run by counties and cities.

    I agree that more money should be put into the shelters and the spay/neuter programs. Campaign locally and get some action.

  6. You certainly could, but since both of those things are controlled on a state level, your odds will improve if you write to your state's Governor instead. Good luck!

  7. animal shelters are a local issue so write to people on town and county level  try and raise money for no kill shelters there are many of those and low fee spay neuter programs. This is not a presidential issue even if he could read

  8. the only way to write the president is to address it to the white house, which goes through like fan mail and gets screened and read by readers.  Good luck getting anyone important to read it.  it'll probably get circular filed after being screened.

  9. I wrote the VP once and got an automated response that promised to take my message seriously and report the results to the VP.  I have no idea if they did or not.

  10. Go for it....

    Contacting the White House

    Mailing Address

    The White House

    1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW

    Washington, DC 20500

    Phone Numbers

    Comments:   202-456-1111

    Switchboard: 202-456-1414

    FAX:             202-456-2461


    Comments:      202-456-6213

    Visitors Office: 202-456-2121  


    Please send your comments to Due to the large volume of e-mail received, the White House cannot respond to every message. For further up-to-date information on Presidential initiatives, current events, and topics of interest to you, please continue to use the White House website.

  11. Waste of a stamp (or 365).  Unless you come to his door with a stack of bills, you likely won't get anywhere.

    Use the ultimate power that you've been given...the vote.  It's sort of like playing the lottery, though.  Chances are pretty good that you won't win, but at least you've participated and can say that you gave it a shot.

  12. Write all you want.

    GW doesn't read.

  13. if you have the money for all of the postage it is going to take why not invest that into an animal shelter instead and help them out.

  14. You can write him, but he doesn't know how to read

  15. Yes if you want a visit from the F.B.I.

  16. i agree well id try!

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