
Can icy hot help me in a soccer game?

by  |  earlier

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i got a soccer game today, i put icy hot on. Can icy hot help me relief pain while playing soccer. I cant run because my knee so can it make me not hurt to run?




  1. to tell you the truth, I'mm not realy sure, it may help though, but you might want to listen to the pain in ur leg if you know what i mean, you don't  want to risk any type of injury, for that may ruin make you unable to play for the rest of the season. so if i were you id try to stay on the bench for a part of the game, or maby play a position that doesn't require so much running, maybe just play defense if that isn't what you already play.

  2. It wont have that much of an effet i play club soccer you should take like a week off or where extra socks so it doesnt hurt as much

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