
Can imagine a girl 16 years old is getting married in that sooooooon???

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Can imagine a girl 16 years old is getting married in that sooooooon???




  1. sounds like a mistake to me 16 is so young to seal away your life

  2. tak

  3. it happens a lot.  

  4. i can imagine it, but i cant imagine god...**** marriage and kids until im at least 25

  5. Why!  it seems she need to focus on her education  

  6. in Philippines particularly in mindanao.. i see kids at the age of 12 getting married. they're Muslims it's they're tradition

  7. only if she is pregnant.  the relationship WON'T work.  

  8. She sounds like she has some pretty dumb parents to allow such a wedding.

  9. ewwwwwwww no grossss asif

  10. im 19. i still feel as though i am 16 and there is no way at 19 i could settle down. yes at 16 i thought i could spend my life with my boyfriend but then ig rew up. have fun while you can. dont settle for less than what you enjoy

  11. NO  

  12. There are many children that were married by now... They are around 4-10 years old... Mostly in tribes...

  13. Well, girls really marry so early and that's a big problem for any boy loves her in her age as the girl marries someone older than her.

    I believe that's not fair .

    I really suffer from this problem as I love a girl who is 16 years old but I feel she's gonna be engaged or something and I won't be able to tell her .

    I really suffer from that.

  14. That would be way too soon, people need to live a little before getting married and at 16 you should just be having fun

  15. I think some girls are so conditioned to think that marriage is this wonderful, fairy tail fantasy and that everything will be so magical when it happens. In all reality it isn't bad, but with marriage comes responsibility and adulthood. I don't think a 16 year old is ready for that kind of commitment. I think it is a rash, uninformed decision, and should be made when someone is actually old enough to have EXPERIENCED some life!

    But, to each their own! Hopefully it works out for those people, or they at least learn a life lesson to grow from!

  16. Who's this stupid **** that's marrying at age 16?

  17. why you and everybody is so worried about it.could any body tell me what is the right age to f***.

  18. i got married when i just turned 17. I thought i knew what i was doing but i was so niaeve of the responsibilities. stayed married for 11 years and 3 kids though. it all depends on who, what and how i suppose

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