
Can implantation be painful?

by  |  earlier

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yesterday i had a lot of vaginal discharge (it look like a raw egg) I had intercourse last night and this morning my lower abdomen feels funny I feel a little pain but not bad a all i cant explain how the pain feels like ( it doesn't feel like period cramps) do u think this could mean implantation?




  1. It sounds more like ovulation pains to me, you wouldn't be having implation pains this early after just BD'ed last night....I got the same cramps right before I ovulated and we would baby dance every day around that time,The month I got pregnant I would also make sure to stay laying down for at least an hour + after to give the swimmers a chance to get there :) and it worked for us! Best wishes!!!

  2. No, it's way too early for implantation. Implantation happens 7-10 days after conception.

  3. If you've got EWCM and cramps that's probably ovulation coming up, so be sure to BD today! Normally the EWCM dries up after ovulation and certainly by 8dpo (which is the date after which most implantation begins). I get ovulation cramps about 2 days before Ov and EWCM about 4 days before it. You can test 14 days after ovulation.

  4. oh my GOSH!!!! can it!!! my implantation was painful every morning at 2 am i would wake up with these horrible cramps and nothing helped and didnt know what to do, it actually lasted aout a week or a little moe, i went to the doctor, lol, he told me it was reflux but i knew better so i took a pregnancy test then went to another doctor and he told me it was implantation so just because you people never were hurt by it, doesnt mean IT DONT HURT cuz it DOES in some ppl

  5. it sounds more like ovulation pains than implantation,

    implantation occurs 6-12 days after ovulation ...

    i'm presuming it's ovulation pains due to the vaginal discharge

    (big indicator of ovulation approaching)


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