
Can injured baby birds live withOUT the help of humans?

by  |  earlier

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my cat hurt a bird, by the looks of it, his wing was totally deformed or something, and it was a BABY one (the size of my palm) and when i got there he was about to scratch it and the bird screamed so loud and thats when i knew it wasnt dead so i dragged my cat inside and RIGHT when i got outside to help the baby bird it was gone.

while this was happening, i did hear alot of birds chirping not to far away so i think there was a nest.

my question is what happened to the bird?

and will he live ?? =(




  1. His momma may have got him, im sure he will be fine, stuff like that happens everyday and they make it.

  2. The bird will die from the toxic saliva from the cats mouth. Also may be bleeding. If you look and find him take him in keep him warm and call vet that takes wildlife. Tell them he is injured and by what. They may also refer you to a wildlife rehabber that has the meds to help this critter and the know how to tell if wing is broken. The bird noises you were hearing from other birds was a alarm call and they were probably also trying to mob the cat. The bird is probably hiding in tall grass or bushes. If find put in cool whip bowl with tissue for warmth. Stop any bleeding with flour just make sure he does not breath it in. Put the bolw with him in it into a box with some type of cover and airholes. Put a heat pad set on low to keep him warm as injured birds cannot control their own temps. offer only shallow dish of food if old enough to eat on own. shallow dish of water if old enough. (fully feathered). Call vet or rehabber and get there asap as need antibiotics in first 48 hours. Good luck. :)    

  3. Once a cat get a bird, the bird will die with or without your help.

    Cats are predators - they kill birds and baby birds are easy when they are just learning to fly.  Baby birds spend 2-3 days on the ground learning to fly while parents still feed it.

    Please keep your can in.  The tiniest scratch or touch of the cat's teeth to the bird means death.  Cats have lots of bacteria in their claws and mouths.

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