
Can inmates recive news paper?

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My brotherinlaw just got sentenced to three years @ east garza correction facility @ Beville Tx he asked me to find out of how can he recive the news paper in there. I went to the Houston Chronicle .com web page looking for an answear but i had no succses




  1. His subscription has to be sent directly from the newspaper, not from friends or family. Any paper or magazine that is not considered contraband is okay.

  2. Cut your chase short and call the correctional facility itself. Or you can go online to your state's correctional rules and regs. Your B-in-law should already know the answer to this question if he has received a copy of the rules and regs, of which I am sure he has.

  3. Inmates cannot personally receive news subscriptions if thats what your asking. Depending on the level of security he is on, if he is on a lower security, he will probably be able to have access to the library, where he can read several newspapers.

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