
Can insecticide go through your pores?

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Is that possible?




  1. It's a good question, but I don't know.  I know I cannot wear perfume because it literally makes me get a cold.  I don't know if just smelling the perfume lowers my immune system or what, but I have to avoid it.  Nevertheless, I have used OFF quite successfully without incident and it can be important, esecially if you're going hiking in the woods.  With the incidents of Niles West Virus and the vulnerability to ticks it's important.  They have different kinds, a deep woods and a regular.  I haven't had a problem with either one.  

  2. Technically the skin is considered the largest organ in the human body. Or perhaps we should say "on" the human body. It is responsible as a barrier, for temperature control, among other things.

    Substances absorb very well through the skin. There are medications that come in the form of skin patches. You stick the skin patch to your arm or chest or back, wherever, and the meds are absorbed into the body. In fact they are well absorbed into the body and since they are taken directly into the bloodstream bypassing stomach acids and the liver's filtration system they can have quite an effect.

    So the answer is a definite "YES". insecticide is readily absorbed into the body through the skin.

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