
Can insurance co. charge you for past violations?

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Can your insurance company charge you for past violations that have fallen off of your insurance points but they didn't catch it when it did cause insurance points? So it's like they are charging you for what they didn't catch before?




  1. Yes they can. If at the time of incpetion (when you bought the policy) you were not honest about your driving history, and the insurance company runs your record at a later time, they can adjust your premium to charge you for those undisclosed violations.

    If they didn't "catch" it before like you said, and you KNEW about the violations, that could be considered a misrepresentation on your behalf. They could ultimately cancel you policy as well

  2. Insurance rates are based on your driving record, so yes.

  3. Yeah, they can do that.

    Drive more carefully and then you'll have earned the privelege of griping about insurance rates.

  4. Insurance companies will use any and all loopholes to stick it to the consumer, trust me I live in NJ where insurance is terrible. It is the only industry that consistently tries to negate the reason we have it in the first place.

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