
Can insurance companies find out if you are married even if you didn't change your name?

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I just want to know if I got married and kept my maiden name and I still currently live with my parents, will the car insurance company know I'm married without me actually telling them? do they have ways of finding that stuff out? the only reason I'm asking is cause I'm currently on my dad's insurance (only car though, not his health insurance). and I don't want my parents to know I'm married quite yet (for reasons that aren't really important to this question). but I'm gonna be finding my own car insurance soon but I just wanted to know in the meantime will they find out and tell my dad?




  1. Your parents are the policy holder of the car insurance policy and you are just a listed driver.  The company will have no way of knowing if you got married unless you tell them.  And since you are not the owner of the policy, you cannot make changes to it.  

    If it helps you any, insurance companies do provide price cuts to married couples, but you both need to be on the same policy.  

    If I may put in a few words:  Please don't hurt your parents by keeping your soon to be marriage a secret.  I don't know your reasons why but if your parents still have you insured, they still care about you and aren't that bad of people.  If you want to be grown up and get married, then please be grown up and tell them before hand.  You will damage something very dear if you don't.

  2. No, but why would it matter?  It doesn't matter. But they won't find out.

  3. You think compaies like Allstate and State Farm got rich  being stupid ? Of course they will find out , stop lying , character counts.

  4. They shouldn't give out any information about you EVEN to your parents.  I work for an insurance company (a nation wide known company) and they don't check if you are married or not and we are not allowed to give out information on children living in the household who are 18 years of age or more.  I hope you are 18 :-)

    Try Farmers Insurance and Geico.  I know these insurance companies (one of which I work for) do NOT check.  If you call and say you are married they will tell you congrats and make you married.  When I got married, they didn't even ask me if I had changed my last name.  They actually kept it the same as my maiden name until I had to call and tell them that it changed.  Don't be nervous.  They SHOULDN'T tell your parents.  If they do, it is a violation of the privacy law.  That is, if you are over 18 years old and live in the US.

  5. Highly doubtful. Most counties have online access to recorded public documents, but the insurance company would have to go out and look for it specifically, which they're not going to do.

  6. It really doesn't matter if they find out or not. Like others have said, they cannot give out information about you, so even if they find out, that doesn't mean they'll tell your parents.

    Secondly, its ok to be married and still be on your parents' auto insurance policy. Also, getting married lowers your rates, so its not like the insurance company will be dying to give you a discount.

  7. you know,if you want to get the most relevant answers,you got to try to find it out yourself,since only yourself knows what you really is a good resource for you to start.

  8. I don't really see a problem with this - and no, they won't tll your parents. But sort your own isurance soon in your proper name.

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