
Can international student sustain his life and continue education by the money earrned by working there?

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i want to go gto netherland but dont hav so much good financial condition. i want to know if i can pay the fees of second year and live my life by the money i earn there in netherland while reading. hop to haer frm u guys soon




  1. Depends on many factors

    What will you be working as and when will you be working? Is it all five days or just wekends?

    Keep in mind you need enough money to pay your rent, bills, entertainment, tuition, books, transport etc etc

    I highly doubt you will be able to manage 100% on yourself. Fees are pretty expensive if you are an international student. Speak to other international students and see what they have to say.

    Many international students I meet get their parents to pay the fees and they manage the rest themselves.

    Good luck with everything.

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