
Can international visitors getting married in Australia?

by Guest33220  |  earlier

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eg. One is from country A, the other from country B. Both are staying in Australia on temporary visa.




  1. Although Australia has six states, two territories and several island protectorates the marriage law is the same nationwide - international visitor couples who wish to be married in Australia are required to submit a Notice of Intended Marriage with their choosen officiant (available from a Births, Deaths & Marriages Registry Office in a State or Territory's capital city).  The form must be submitted at least one month before the marriage is to take place (and no earlier than six months before the marriage). This form must be signed and witnesses either by an Australian Consular Official or Diplomatic Officer.

    Personal identification (such as a passport, birth certificate etc.) is also required. Check with your officiant to ensure you have the correct legal identification.

    A Civil Marriage officiant can marry couples anywhere, anytime.  Two witnesses over 18 are also required but they need not be personally acquainted with you.  

    There is a nominal lodgement fee and the officiant will tell you how much they charge for the ceremony and travel. Most Civil Marriage officiants charge about $200. Original birth certificates or passports must be sighted and if you have been married before, then an original death certificate or a final divorce paper must be seen to show how the last marriage ended.

    There are several helpful websites; here are two (chosen at random):

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