
Can irregular sleeping hours effect your health?

by  |  earlier

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If so how? I'm talking about going to bed at different times every night and getting up at different times, my lifestyle is pretty hectic at the moment and most of the time i don't get enough sleep.




  1. Yes, irregular sleeping hours, or lack of sleep can affect your health! Physically, lack of sleep can sometimes make you gain weight. Mentally, lack of sleep or irregular sleeping hours can make you grumpy, hyper, angry, sad, or anything that I haven't listed already. Sleep is very important for your health, when you sleep you are resting your body, giving everything a break, while also rejuvinating your body, by healing injuries or mental wounds.

    Try to stick to a good sleeping schedule.

    (It's okay to break that schedule every once in a while for special occasions) :D Hope I helped.  

  2. Yes. Your body and mind like normality and routine.

    The average life expectancy for a policeman after retirement in the 1980's was 3 years. This was due, in the main to the three shift pattern over each month. The mind and body was never able to get into a routine.

    Jet lag is caused because the mind and body are out of sync.

    You need sleep to make sense of your day, allow your mind to file away the experiences, digest conversation and events and generally de-clutter.

    Your body needs routine to repair itself, digest food and gain rest.

  3. Yes you do need regular hours for sleep,at least 6-8 hours,if not you will feel tired and miserable,not only that if you have a hectic lifestyle you could suffer from burnout.

  4. I work shifts.  Sometimes I work 7am till 10pm, the next day I may work 2pm till 10pm, the next day I may work 7am till 10pm then do a 'sleep-in' until 7.30am then do a shift from 8am till 5pm, etc etc - it's all over the place, and so am I.  I wake in the morning (or whenever), wonder what time it is, what day it is, where I am supposed to be, etc.  My body clock is haywire.

    And guess what kind of work I do?  Care work.  Careworkers are among the most abused of people, and among the lowest paid, when you consider what we have to do, what our various client groups are like, etc.  Anyone who does a higher paid job is very welcome to come and swap jobs with me for a week.

    And my health?  I am exhausted and I now have IBS.

  5. Yes sleep majorly affects your health. Teens need about 8-10 hours of sleep a night. Same with adults. When you sleep your body rest's and heals its self. your need sleep. If your lifestyle is hectic try changing it.. if its out of your power then just try to get atleast 8 hours of sleep.


  6. It can possibly cause cognitive problems. You're not letting your brain get get enough deep sleep(REM sleep) it can cause a lot of problems throughout the day. Physically not much will happen, may-be some stress related problems or accidentally hurting yourself.

  7. Definitely. If you remember, 90% of illnesses start to grow from  the Nervous System. The Nervous System in her turn   depends in relaxation, and  recover through  sleep.

    So, go to sleep and be healthy ;)

  8. I'm the world's worst sleeper and the simple answer is you betcha! If you do any driving, or commute to work by car expect a collision any time soon! Your concentration span shrinks away to nothing when really sleep-deprived, just as anxiety levels leap! Try to find a time when you can get a regular 8 hours, preferably uninterrupted! Good luck!  

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