
Can it be a yeast infection?

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ohkaay, so im 13, [ virgin, thankyou very much ], and i cant believe im asking this over the internet, but I think I might have a yeast infection. a week or so ago, I was trying on bathing suits at American Eagle, and yes I know I was supposed to wear underwear while doing it, but I completely forgot. Then, the day after, I got this itching feeling, down there, and almost the whole area is extremely red. the itchiness varies throughout the day, but when I try to go to sleep, it gets really intense and I get so frustrated with the whole thing, I almost end up crying. my discharge is normal I think, sometimes its small & white, other times its clear. my period is around the 27th of each month, but this happened a week ago, so its nothing to do with that. Could I have a yeast infection, or something else?

also, im not going to see a doctor until I have a vague idea of what I have.




  1. you may just be allergic to the soap or detergent you're using. i dont think trying on swimsuits would give you a yeast infection, unless things were already messed up down there. the best thing to do is take a bath with a cup of hydrogen peroxide. After a 20 minute soak, rinse your area throughly with cool water & dry good. Do about 3 of these baths,as well as eating the yogurt( make sure its low fat,low sugar kind) and you should be good!!  

  2. It does sound like a yeast infection, but only a doctor can tell you for sure. It could also be bacterial vaginosis, which is a similar affliction. There are only two ways I know of to get rid of a yeast infection. The first, of course, is with the medicated creams that they sell. The other, which a doctor told me when I was pregnant and getting a lot of yeast infections, was to eat yogurt and drink milk that were high in acidopholus (spelling probably incorrect) because that helps to restore the natural balance of yeast. The only way to know for sure it to see a doctor.

    Hope this helps!

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