
Can it be argued that hitler was a weak dictator or actually a strong dictator?

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Hitler - weak or strong?




  1. Do you even have to ask them question?  Hitler is considering one of the most darkest, yet strongest dictators in history.

  2. It can be argued that you should do your own homework.  The markers don't want correct or incorrect answers here, they want to see your ability to make an argument.

    And that is why schools suck.

  3. Yes, it can be. On the average, most dictators, including those supported by the U. S. of A., rule anywhere from 12 to 50 years. That means they, and we can include the little Austrian corporal here too, have strongly, or ruthlessly, dealt with any forms of opposition, particularly those of the socialist and/or democratic kind.

    I am sure there are people who would argue both sides of this statement, but ultimately most conjecture about this man is meaningless today...

  4. he was a very convincing politician.  but he was a poor statesman and a poorer military leader.

    Most of his economic plans were copied from Roosevelts reform plans

    and  largely based on his military spending.  By the start of the second world war his entire economy was close to collapsing, but the war made him able to carry on.

    as a military leader he had no insight and most of the errors the Germans made were due to him or his entourage.  as a dictator he was ruthless and by the end of his life more and more insane.  

    if you call that weak leadership...

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